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Custom URL Formation in Wordpress

I have a website about song lyrics on WordPress. Format of title for each lyric is "Song Name". Therefore, when I add a new lyric to the site, URL of the page is automatically formed like;


All lyrics has a parameter for artist name called "artist_name". What I want is;

When I add a new lyric to the site with title "Song Name", I want an automatically formed URL with format;


Is it possible to achieve an URL with this format?

Otherwise, I need to edit all URL's manually and add artist name to the beginning of the URL by hand.


  • You can put the artist name in a Custom Field, and then use some plugin to execute PHP in the post. From there, you can check the value of the custom field for the current post id, and if it is set, change the permalink ('post-name') field using wp_update_post.

    Hope this helps, and feel free to ask if you have any further questions about the process.