i can't solve this problem.
I have one activity : PdvActivity with a viewPager. This activity gets a list of data and set this data to the TabsPagerAdapter. TabsPagerAdapter create 3 tabs fragments and pass the data in their bundle. The first tab has a gridView with items from the list he received from the bundle. I click on an item and an activity start ... when activity finish i need to refresh this grid.
I did :
PdvActivity onResume : i read the fresh data, i set the data in the adapter and i set again the adapter to the pager
Panel[] panels = DB.getPdvPanels(pdv.id, true, activity_list);
Company company = DB.getCompany(panels[0].attivita.company_id);
mAdapter = new TabsPagerAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager());
In the first Tab onResume :
public void onResume() {
Panel[] array_panel = (Panel[])getArguments().getParcelableArray("attivita");
gridview = (GridView)rootView.findViewById(R.id.gridView);
gridview.setAdapter(new AttivitaPdvAdapter(getActivity(), array_panel));
PdvActivity gets the fresh data, but the grid refresh itself with old data from bundle. And nothing change.
What i am missing ?
Thanks in advice
I could not find a way to update the bundle. So i changed my code in a way that i think is a workaround.
Instead of refresh data in the main activity i moved that piece into the fragment. Now in the bundle i pass only the arguments needed to do the query and i instantiate the DB inside the fragment to do the query.
public void onResume() {
Panel[] array_panel = (Panel[])getArguments().getParcelableArray("attivita");
gridview = (GridView)rootView.findViewById(R.id.gridView);
gridview.setAdapter(new AttivitaPdvAdapter(getActivity(), array_panel));
to that :
public void onResume() {
ArrayList<Attivita> activity_list = (ArrayList<Attivita>)getArguments().get("attivita");
panels = DB.getPdvPanels(pdv.id, true, activity_list);
gridview = (GridView)rootView.findViewById(R.id.gridView);
gridview.setAdapter(new AttivitaPdvAdapter(getActivity(), panels));
I dont know if is a good solution, or if there is a better way. But it works, and it seems ok for me.
Hope it will helps you.