I know i can do
to set my view pager at the desired position. My question is if and how i can do this before the adapter is instantiated.
Meaning that if I do
pagerAdapter = new ViewPagerAdapter(arg1,arg2....);
item 0 is first build and after that the item at the desired position is also build. Which takes double the time...In my adapter each item needs quite a lot of work to be build, so it would be best to avoid the 0 position item to be build if possible. Maybe by passing the desired position as an argument at the adapter's instantiation...?
Any way to do that?
You can fool the viewpager to start at a given position before the adapter is set, by calling onRestoreInstanceState, like this:
int currentItem = 5;
Parcel parcel = Parcel.obtain();
writeParcelable(BaseSavedState.EMPTY_STATE, 0);
writeParcelable(null, 0);
SavedState savedState = ViewPager.SavedState.CREATOR.createFromParcel(parcel);