I have been trying to write a powershell script (my first) to
I eventually used the program BulkRenameUtility to do this using the regexp ^(\w+) (\d+) and switching the token order to $2 $1 -- however, I still am learning Powershell and would like to be able to do this without using an external program.
So, to re-iterate, at C:\Users\Test
there are folders and files.. some of the folders are named Spring 2015
, Fall 2014
, for example. However, other folders have names such as geogex
. Files have names such as ENG1A SPRING 2015.odt
and untitled_0.odt
How do I only change the names of the folders named like "Spring 2015" to read "2015 Spring", "2014 Fall" etc. ?
I was able to use
gci | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} | select-string -pattern '\d+'
to accomplish 1 and 2 but am stuck on using this to do part 3: actually rename by reversing the elements of the name. I tried putting the above within a variable and like so:
gci | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} | select-string -pattern '\d+' | %{$data = $_.line; Write-Output "$data"};
however, while the above outputs exactly the folders I want the array $data seems to only hold the last line of output. Such that:
gci | ? {$_.PSIsContainer} | select-string -pattern '\d+' | %{$data = $_.line; Write-Output "$data"};
will output:
test 123
test 321
test 321
I am unsure if this is even the a valid direction to begin with.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This should get the job done.
$Path = "C:\Users\Test"
$regex = "^(Spring|Summer|Fall|Winter)\s+\d{4}$"
Get-ChildItem $Path |
Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.Name -match $regex} |
Rename-Item -NewName {$split = $_.Name -split "\s+"; "{0} {1}" -f $split[1],$split[0]}
We use that regex to filter out the folder that fit your convention. Should be a little more targeted using specific season names. The year is a little more lacked by just looking for 4 numbers.
Other ways to do it but for the rename I just split the name on the space and reversed the output using the -f
format operator.