Currently I am trying to connect a Azure Logic App to our OnPrem-SAP System so we can call RFC within Azure.
Therefore I created an Azure SAP Connector and opened the required Firewall Ports (which was tricky enough but the connection Azure <--> OnPrem-SAP is working now). Also our Azure SAP Connector is already able to call an RFC located in our OnPrem-SAP System (SAP Log-Entry available).
But: the SAP Connector never gets any response from the Hybrid Connection as the Logic App always returns a Timeout after 1 Minute:
The LogicApp only contains the SAP Connector which calls a long-running RFC and is started manually.
Within the SAP-Log we can find the following message: "Connection reset by peer."
Now my actual question: Is there any possibility to increase the timeout value within azure? Or do I need to tune our SAP RFC to run within 1 minute as this is the fixed max-timeout-value by Azure?
Thanks in advance for any advise!
As we found out those 60 seconds were kind of hardcoded within the SAP Connector from Microsoft we decided to change our RFC to accept an additional paramaters. Instead of "give me all Data"
we split that opertion into: "Give me all Data from department A"
and subsequent "Give me all Data from department B"
As this change helped us to create RFC-Calls which do not run longer than 40 seconds we do not face this timeout-issue anymore. Everything is now working as expected.
Maybe it would be a good idea to document this 60-seconds-issue somewhere. Or even better: maybe one day you can adjust this setting as an additional parameter within the LogicApp.