if __name__=='__main__':
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-i", "--input_file",
help="Read input from FILE", metavar="FILE")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
print options
result is
$ python convert.py -i video_*
{'input_filename': 'video_1.wmv'}
there are video_[1-6].wmv in the current folder. Question is why video_* become video_1.wmv. What i'm doing wrong?
Python has nothing to do with this -- it's the shell.
$ python convert.py -i 'video_*'
and it will pass in that wildcard.
The other six values were passed in as args, not attached to the -i
, exactly as if you'd run python convert.py -i video_1 video_2 video_3 video_4 video_5 video_6
, and the -i
only attaches to the immediate next parameter.
That said, your best bet might to be just read your input filenames from args
, rather than using options.input