If I have a HTML form with multiple input file fields (where 'N' is a unique number);
<input type="file" name="inputFileN">
Then in the C# code;
string inFile = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(Request.Files[M].FileName)
Is there any way I can ascertain the value of 'M' from the Request data so I can match against a specific HTML input file-type field ?
This is in a situation where the end-user can update the fields on an edit form and it works ok for for all field types apart from the file-type field.
All of the necessary data is in HttpContext.Request.Files
; specifically, in HttpContext.Request.Files.AllKeys
//HttpContext is a member of `System.Web.Mvc.Controller`,
//accessible in controllers that inherit from `System.Web.Mvc.Controller`.
System.Web.HttpFileCollectionBase files = HttpContext.Request.Files;
string[] fieldNames = files.AllKeys;
for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; ++i)
string field = fieldNames[i]; //The 'name' attribute of the html form
System.Web.HttpPostedFileBase file = files[i];
string fileName = files[i].FileName; //The path to the file on the client computer
int len = files[i].ContentLength; //The length of the file
string type = files[i].ContentType; //The file's MIME type
System.IO.Stream stream = files[i].InputStream; //The actual file data