The following grammar performs dreadfully, I was wondering if there is something wrong with the grammar itself and if yes how it can be improved,
This is with the ancient nuance 8.5, so might be the performance of the recognizer?
Using nl-tool (The equivalent of the parsetool in Nuance 9), I can see that when we are using phonetic and spell in the GUI tool, we are getting two interpretations (out), (we should only get one - not sure why?Maybe the syntax of the grammar is wrong as well..) but even just a spell that gives a single interpretation on the command line tool works terribly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<grammar xmlns="" xml:lang="en-GB" version="1.0" root="TOPLEVEL" mode="voice">
<rule id="TOPLEVEL" scope="public">
<item repeat="0-1">
<ruleref uri="#Preamble"/>
<item> start again </item>
<item repeat="2-15">
<item>two times</item>
<ruleref uri="#Spell_Alpha"/>
<tag>assign(alphanum strcat($alphanum strcat($return $return ))))</tag>
<ruleref uri="#Spell_Alpha"/>
<tag>assign(alphanum strcat($alphanum $return))</tag>
<tag><![CDATA[<out $alphanum >]]></tag>
<rule id="Prepositions" scope="public">
<item repeat="0-1">for</item>
<item repeat="0-1">as in</item>
<item repeat="0-1">as</item>
<item repeat="0-1">like</item>
<rule id="Spell_Alpha" scope="public">
<item weight="1.9">
<ruleref uri="#LETTERS"/>
<item weight="0.6"><item repeat="0-1">the
<item repeat="1"><ruleref uri="#LETTERS"/></item>
<item weight="0.6">
<ruleref uri="#LETTERS"/>
<item repeat="1">
<ruleref uri="#Prepositions"/>
<ruleref uri="#PHONETICS_BASIC"/>
<item weight="2.0">
<ruleref uri="#PHONETICS_BASIC"/>
<tag> return($return)</tag>
<rule id="LETTERS" scope="public">
<item weight="1.584"> ay <tag> return("a") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.584"> eh <tag> return("a") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.584"> a <tag> return("a") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.584"> be<tag> return("b") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.166"> bee <tag> return("b") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.222"> sea <tag> return("c") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.222"> see <tag> return("c") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.229">dee<tag> return("d") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.639">ee<tag> return("e") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.072">eff<tag> return("f") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.072"> ef<tag> return("f") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.072">f<tag> return("f") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.160"> gee <tag> return("g") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.160">g <tag> return("g") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.274"> h <tag> return("h") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.274"> aych <tag> return("h") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.274"> haych <tag> return("h") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.384"> eye <tag> return("i") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.040"> jay <tag> return("j") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.146"> kay <tag> return("k") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.146"> cay <tag> return("k") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.459"> elle <tag> return("l") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.459"> ell <tag> return("l") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.459"> el <tag> return("l") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.230"> m <tag> return("m") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.230"> em <tag> return("m") </tag> </item>
<item weight="1.510"> in <tag> return("n") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.510"> en <tag> return("n") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.510">n <tag> return("n") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.510"> inn <tag> return("n") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.489"> oh <tag> return("o") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.489"> owe <tag> return("o") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.107"> pea <tag> return("p") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.107"> pee <tag> return("p") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.004"> queue <tag> return("q") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.004"> cue <tag> return("q") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.534"> are <tag> return("r") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.424"> s <tag> return("s") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.331"> tea <tag> return("t") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.331"> tee <tag> return("t") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.139"> you <tag> return("u") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.054"> vee <tag> return("v") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.054"> v <tag> return("v") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.166"> double you <tag> return("w") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.166"> doubleyou<tag> return("w") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.166"> w<tag> return("w") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.010"> x <tag> return("x") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.010"> ex <tag> return("x") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.010"> ehks <tag> return("x") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.147"> why <tag> return("y") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.025"> z <tag> return("z") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.025"> zee <tag> return("z") </tag></item>
<item weight="1.025"> zed <tag> return("z") </tag></item>
<rule id="PHONETICS_BASIC" scope="public">
<item> alpha <tag> return("a") </tag></item>
<item> alfa <tag> return("a") </tag></item>
<item>alice<tag> return("a") </tag></item>
<item> bravo <tag> return("b") </tag></item>
<item> charlie <tag> return("c") </tag></item>
<item> delta <tag> return("d") </tag></item>
<item> echo <tag> return("e") </tag></item>
<item> foxtrot <tag> return("f") </tag></item>
<item> freddie <tag> return("f") </tag></item>
<item> freddy <tag> return("f") </tag></item>
<item> golf <tag> return("g") </tag></item>
<item> hotel <tag> return("h") </tag></item>
<item> indigo <tag> return("i") </tag></item>
<item> india <tag> return("i") </tag></item>
<item> juliet <tag> return("j") </tag></item>
<item> john <tag> return("j") </tag></item>
<item> kilo <tag> return("j") </tag></item>
<item>lima <tag> return("l") </tag></item>
<item> mike <tag> return("m") </tag></item>
<item> mother <tag> return("m") </tag></item>
<item> november <tag> return("n") </tag></item>
<item> oscar <tag> return("o") </tag></item>
<item> oliver <tag> return("o") </tag></item>
<item> papa <tag> return("p") </tag></item>
<item> pappa <tag> return("p") </tag></item>
<item> quebec <tag> return("q") </tag></item>
<item> queen <tag> return("q") </tag></item>
<item> romeo <tag> return("r") </tag></item>
<item> roger <tag> return("r") </tag></item>
<item> robert <tag> return("r") </tag></item>
<item> sierra <tag> return("s") </tag></item>
<item>sugar <tag> return("s") </tag></item>
<item> tango <tag> return("t") </tag></item>
<item> uniform <tag> return("u") </tag></item>
<item> victor <tag> return("v") </tag></item>
<item> whiskey <tag> return("w") </tag></item>
<item> william <tag> return("w") </tag></item>
<item> ex ray <tag> return("x") </tag></item>
<item> yankee <tag> return("y") </tag></item>
<item> yellow <tag> return("y") </tag></item>
<item> zulu <tag> return("z") </tag></item>
<item> zero <tag> return("z") </tag></item>
<item> zebra <tag> return("z") </tag></item>
<rule id="Preamble">
<item weight="0.2">right</item>
<item weight="0.2">alright my surname's mrs</item>
Your asking the recognition engine to perform some tasks that it just doesn't do very well. Highly variable length list of short words (letters in this case). The Nuance engine, in my experience, didn't do this very well. I'm not sure which engines, if any, available today would be better, but I haven't experimented enough. Some of the newer, speaker independent, dictation engines might have a better chance.
Some things that might help: