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Dynamic SQL with varchar in replace of table variable

I'm pretty new to Dynamic SQL, and SQL Server in general, but I would like to iterate over a table list within information_schema.tables. Each iteration has a varchar variable listing the Month-Year to be searched within the table name (where table_name like concat('USA_RETHHDs_%', @Month)).

Each table with the matched date would then be placed into a varchar variable. The problem is, I want to obtain the table variable from the information_schema.tables list instead, but am unsure of how this can be done. As a result, I'm trying to go the dynamic route, embedding the varchar variable into a dynamic SQL query. However, it's expecting a table variable rather than a varchar.

declare @Month varchar(6)
declare @Table varchar(32)
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
declare @MonthCount int

while @MonthCount > 0
        select @Month = DateSuffix from @DateTable where Row = @MonthCount
        select @Table = table_name from information_schema.tables where table_name like concat('USA_RETHHDs_%', @Month)
        select @Table = concat('dbo.', @Table)
        set @sql = 'select * from @Table'
        execute SP_EXECUTESQL @sql  

        select @MonthCount = @MonthCount - 1


  • Try

    set @sql = 'select * from ' + @Table
    execute SP_EXECUTESQL @sql  

    I should also mention that you can include the parameter in your sp_executesql call

    DECLARE @Table VARCHAR(32)
    DECLARE @MonthCount INT
    DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500);
    WHILE @MonthCount > 0 
            SELECT  @Month = DateSuffix
            FROM    @DateTable
            WHERE   Row = @MonthCount
            SELECT  @Table = table_name
            FROM    information_schema.tables
            WHERE   table_name LIKE CONCAT('USA_RETHHDs_%',@Month)
            SELECT  @Table = CONCAT('dbo.',@Table)
            SET     @sql = N'select * from @param '
            SET     @ParmDefinition = N'@param varchar(500)'
            EXECUTE SP_EXECUTESQL @sql, @ParmDefinition, @param = @Table
            SELECT  @MonthCount = @MonthCount - 1