I'm trying to use GitHub for the first time, but after many issues trying to get the authentication right, I've managed to authenticate with git@github.com and created a repo, but when i try "git push origin master" i get the following error:
$ git push origin master
error: cannot spawn : No such file or directory
fatal: unable to fork
I cant find any reason for the error or any explanation in the trouble shooting pages, can anyone suggest why it may be that I get that error.
I have already specified/added the remote path as follows:
$ git remote add origin git@github.com:christopherdebeer/yUML-Diagram.git
please help.
Also this is all on a windows 7 machine running mysysgit ( and using git bash.
re: Issue 313, a space in the GIT_SSH variable, cant be the problem mine is as follows:
I'm not sure if it was just stupid of myself, but I've solved the problem... Here's what I did (from advice, from work colleagues):
I was attempting to push changes in a local repo to an empty repo on github...
what i should have done was clone the empty repo, add the files locally to my cloned repo, added the files, commited the adds, and THEN push to the github repo...
$ git clone git@github.com:christopherdebeer/yUML-Diagram.git
// added files
$ git add *
$ git commit -m "first commit locally"
$ git push origin master
My original problems might have been due to my totaly naivety as to gits usage...