I'm using Inno Setup to make my (un)installer. I want to make possibility to remove some "leftover" files after uninstall optionally, so I use [UninstallDelete]
section with Check
function for this. Function returns some value, but also shows some debug message. Something like this:
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\Plugins"; Check: ShouldRemovePlugins
DelPlugins: Boolean;
function ShouldRemovePlugins(): Boolean;
var text:string;
if(DelPlugins = true) then
text := 'We should remove plugins'
text := 'We should not remove plugins';
MsgBox(text, mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := DelPlugins;
The thing is, that according to message box popping up, function is somehow called on install, not uninstall. So, question is - why so? Is it something about Inno Setup "workflow"?
It's determined during installation which uninstall tasks (including, but not limited to UninstallDelete
entries) will be performed on uninstall.
So your Check
function will indeed by called during installation.
See how processing UninstallDelete
section is a step of installation:
Once the actual installation process begins, this is the order in which the various installation tasks are performed:
is processed.- The entries in
are stored in the uninstall log (which, at this stage, is stored in memory).- The application directory is created, if necessary.
- ...
To delete files conditionally during uninstallation you have to code this explicitly in CurUninstallStepChanged
event function.
Use usUninstall
or usPostUninstall