I have my wix file (.wxs) with my CustomAction :
<CustomAction Id="shellex" Directory="WINDOWSVOLUME" Impersonate="no" ExeCommand="cmd.exe /k "C:\rep\file\script.bat" " Return="asyncNoWait" />
<Custom Action="shellex" After="InstallFiles" />
But when i execute my wixinstaller, it's all good except the CustomAction with cmd.exe that opens and informs that "The specified path was not found" but the path is correct. I don't understand why batch file was not found.
ADD Detail : My .bat was deployed with the installer.
Anyone have a solution ?
Edit 1 :
I tried ExeCommand="cmd.exe /k cd rep "
And i have "The specified path was not found"
Edit 2 :
I tried ExeCommand="cmd.exe /k dir /s A:D >out.txt "
And i see that folder /rep/ doesn't exists at the .bat execution.
/rep/ was created with installer.
The property After="InstallFiles"
doesn't works ?
Finally I found the solution.
The solution was to change After="InstallFiles"
to After="InstallFinalize"
With "InstallFinalize" the CustomAction is executed at the very ending of installation. Before the "shell" couldn't find the batch file because he had not yet been deployed.