I have a Core Data
entity called Status with two attributes savedMessageID as Integer32 and savedMessageText as String.
I have a string stored in an SQL database which the app downloads on startup. The string from the database is broken down into two parts ID and text:
NSInteger *newMessageID = [the_ID_as_a_string integerValue];
NSString *newMessageText = the_message_as_a_string;
I then read the Core Data record and compare the IDs to see if there has been a change. If the downloaded ID is greater than the stored ID the new message is displayed. This is working fine so far.
I then try to write back to Core Data with the new downloaded ID. Here is the problem ... much talked about on here already I know:
NSEntityDescription *entitydesc = [NSEntityDescription entityForName:@"Status" inManagedObjectContext:context];
NSManagedObject *updatedStatus = [[NSManagedObject alloc]initWithEntity:entitydesc insertIntoManagedObjectContext:context];
[updatedStatus setValue:newMessageID forKey:@"savedMessageID"]; //**error line**
[updatedStatus setValue:newMessageText forKey:@"savedMessageText"];
NSError *error;
[context save:&error];
It seems I can't write back an NSInteger
back to the Core Data
. I have tried writing NSNumber, int etc but all of these flag up issues. Any ideas how I should do this?
** The error I am getting is *implicit conversion of non-Objective-C pointer to NSInteger *' (aka 'int ') to 'id' is disallowed with ARC
You’ve made a mistake. Property [the_ID_as_a_string integerValue]
returns integer value, not a pointer to it. Properly is:
NSInteger newMessageID = [the_ID_as_a_string integerValue];
and then setting value (expected is NSNumber):
[updatedStatus setValue:@(newMessageID) forKey:@"savedMessageID"];
[updatedStatus setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:newMessageID] forKey:@"savedMessageID"];
I suggest you to generate strict models to avoid type mismatch (see answers here How to create classes after creating Core Data model in Xcode for iPhone).