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Doctrine DBAL setParameter() with array value

I'm using doctrine DBAL and have some problem with SQL query as result of a queryBuilder.

$builder = $this->getConnection()->getQueryBuilder();
$builder->andWhere($builder->expr()->in('type', ['first','second']));


$data = $builder->execute()->fetchRow();

And get SQL

SELECT id, name, type FROM table WHERE (id=149) AND (type IN (first,second)) LIMIT 1

And this is the problem, I need that (type IN (first,second)) was encoded as strings like (type IN ('first','second'))

How to do that with query builder in the right way?


  • Try with

    $builder->andWhere('type IN (:string)');
    $builder->setParameter('string', ['first','second'], Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY);


    This answer is quite old and, as stated in other answers, since Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::PARAM_STR_ARRAY has been deprecated in 3.6.0 (, you should go with \Doctrine\DBAL\ArrayParameterType::STRING instead