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Scala Fold Function Mismatch type

I have a FoldSignal case class as following.

 * Represents a signal that is manipulated to using the functional "fold" operation
 * @param s Underlying signal
 * @param start seed for the fold
 * @param f fold function
 case class FoldSignal[T, U](s: Signal[T], start: U, f: (U, T) => U) extends Signal[U]

And I used it to create a function in Signal[T]:

sealed trait Signal[T]{

 * Return a delta of signals in windows
 def delta(implicit ev: T =:= (_, DateTime) ): Signal[T] = {
   def foldFun(queue: List[T], t: T) = {
   FoldSignal(this, Nil, foldFun)

where Signal[T] is a sealed trait:

 * Signal is a AST object represents a value that is continuously emitted. It does
 * not specify anything about the source of the signal.
sealed trait Signal[T] {...}

And it comes up an error:

Error:(71, 22) type mismatch;
 found   : scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type
 required: T
    FoldSignal(this, Nil, foldFun)

Could someone help me, please! Thanks!


  • You've messed up types with your (_, DateTime) - your foldFun should return U (see f: (U, T) => U) which is List[T] but you return U.head._1 which is Any (as a result of resolving of your existential type _)

    You see what you see because Scala can't infer a type (for Nil) here (type inference doesn't see connection between f and start parameters), try:

     FoldSignal(this, List.empty[T], foldFun)

    Another approach is to to separate f and start into different parameter lists (start should be first - so T is gonna be inferred first from it):

    def makeFoldSignal[T, U](s: Signal[T], f: (U, T) => U)(start: U)

    May be related and explains about type inference a bit (in comparison with Haskell): 1 :: List[Nothing] in foldLeft