I need to get part from url, i know lots tutorial in this website but i'm still unable to get it...
this sample url :
I only need this part only from that url, without domain, slash and end url
already try this code :
preg_replace('|https?://www\.[a-z\.0-9]+|i', '', $serp);
but not working. let me know if anyone in here can help me and thanks
If it's that simple, you may use the following simple approach to get what you want:
$url = 'https://www.domain.com/want-to-keep-35/?idku=rbxbbgh3dKqn';
$re = '#https://www\..*?\..*?/(.*?)/#i';
preg_match($re, $url, $matches);
echo $matches[1]; // want-to-keep-35