I am using slim framework, composer, and psr-4 autoload.
This is in composer:
Note: I tried the above also with "Shorty\\":"app/Shorty/Models"
directorry structure: app/Shorty/Models/Trap.php
Inside Trap.php
namespace Shorty\Models;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;
class Trap{
#code here
In my route:
$users=Trap::leftJoin('users', function($join){
and I get: Class 'Trap' not found
What did I do wrong?
If the class name would have been correct, you wouldn't receive this error message:
Class 'Trap' not found
but this
Class 'Shorty\Models\Trap' not found
Not mentioning the fully qualified class name including it's namespace tells me that your code that is missing the class neither has a namespace
statement, nor does an import with use
, to import this "Trap" class.
Or to be more precise:
This code will complain about a missing "Trap" class.
This code would complain about a missing "Shorty\Models\Trap" class.
As well as this one:
use Shorty\Models\Trap;
Or this one:
namespace Shorty\Models;
When PHP complains about a class not being present, it always displays the fully evaluated, final name of that class, after aliases, relative namespace indirections and stuff.