I created a 2D particle effect with the Particle Editor tool that comes with LibGDX. Then, I needed to change the particle effect colour to a certain RGB colour programatically. For that purpose, I found this method:
myEffect.getEmitters().get(0).getTint().setColors(float [] colours);
My problem is that I don't know how to convert an RGB colour to the proper array values required by that method since I don't know exactly which colour format is used.
In the ParticleEditor, the colour selection format looks like HSV. However, the colour values stored in the resulting *.p file don't seem to match that format.
I wish someone could tell me how to do the conversion.
From the Javadocs
public void setColors(float[] colors)
Parameters colors - the r, g and b values for every timeline position
It takes the rgb values in float, There is an online convertor which takes HTML color (HEX
) and convert them to RGB
decimal values and then you can pass them inside your setColors()
Here is the link.