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The Reasoned Schemer : Not understanding Exercise 57

On Exercise (or entry?) 57, I'm just not understanding how the logic flows. The question is that this: given

(define teacupo
  (lambda (x)
      ((= tea x ) #s)
      ((= cup x ) #s)
      (else #u))))

where '=' is actually the triple-bar unify (?) operator. Running the following:

(run* (r)
  (fresh (x y)
      ((teacupo x) (= #t y) #s)
      ((= #f x) (= #t y))
      (else #u)
    (= (cons x (cons y ())) r)))

the book gives the answer:

((tea #t) (cup #t) (#f #t))

I would have thought that the answer would have been:

(((tea cup) #t) (#f #t))

My reasoning being that the 'x' in (teacupo x) should have its conde go through all of its solutions first, and unify to the list of all of its solutions. But it appears that teacupo only gives up one of its solutions at a time. It confuses me because my interpretation of conde is that, using the rule it gives, is that you should go through the lines of conde, and after a line succeeds, pretend that it failed, refresh the variables and find the next line that succeeds. Given the way that the solution works, it seems like the conde in that code goes back to a successful line, then forcing the teacupo conde to fail and give up the next possible value. Again, I would have thought that the teacupo solution would give up all of its conde solutions in a list, and then move on in the outer conde call. Can anyone provide me guidance as to why it works as provided in the book and not in the way I reasoned?


  • (teacupo x) means "succeed twice: once with x unified with tea, and the second time with x unified with cup". Then,

      ((teacupo x) (= #t y) #s)
      ((= #f x) (= #t y))        ; you had a typo here
      (else #u)


    • for each solution produced by (teacupo x), also unify y with #t and succeed; and also
    • for each solution produced by (= #f x), also unify y with #t and succeed; and also
    • produce no more solutions

    So each x in (tea cup) is paired up with y in (#t), and also x in (#f) is paired up with y in (#t), to form r; and then r is reported, i.e. collected into the final result list of solutions, giving ( (tea #t) (cup #t) (#f #t) ).

    "it appears that teacupo only gives up one of its solutions at a time."

    yes, this is exactly right, conceptually.

    "after a line succeeds, pretend that it failed, refresh the variables and find the next line that succeeds."

    yes, but each line can succeed a multiple number of times, if the conditional (or a subsequent goal) succeeds a multiple number of times.

    "it seems like the conde in that code goes back to a successful line, then forcing the teacupo conde to fail and give up the next possible value."

    it actually prepares to produce them in advance (but as a stream, not as a list), and then each is processed separately, fed through the whole chain of subsequent steps until either the last step is reached successfully, or the chain is broken, cut short by an #u or by an otherwise failed goal. So the next one is tried when the processing of a previous one has finished.

    In pseudocode:

    for each x in (tea cup):
       for each y in (#t):    ; does _not_ introduce separate scope for `y`;
           collect (x y)      ;   `x` and `y` belong to the same logical scope
    for each x in (#f):       ;   so if `x` is used in the nested `for` too,
       for each y in (#t):    ;   its new value must be compatible with the 
           collect (x y)      ;   one known in the outer `for`, or else 
    for each _ in ():         ;   it will be rejected (x can't be two different
           collect (x y)      ;   things at the same time)

    As to why does it work this way, I can point you to another answer of mine, which might be of help (though it doesn't use Scheme syntax).

    Using it, as an illustration, we can write your test as a Haskell code which is actually functionally equivalent to the book's code I think (in this specific case, of course),

    data Val = Fresh | B Bool | S String | L [Val] deriving Show 
    type Store = [(String,Val)]
    teacupo x =   unify x (S "tea") &&: true               -- ((= tea x ) #s)
              ||: unify x (S "cup") &&: true               -- ((= cup x ) #s)
              ||: false                                    -- (else #u)
    run = [[("r", Fresh)]]                                 -- (run* (r) ......
      >>: (\s -> [ s ++: [("x", Fresh), ("y", Fresh)] ])   -- (fresh (x,y)
      >>:                                                  -- (conde  
        (    teacupo "x"          &&:  unify "y" (B True)  
                                  &&:  true                -- ((teacupo x) (= #t y) #s)
         ||: unify "x" (B False)  &&:  unify "y" (B True)  -- ((= #f x) (= #t y))
         ||: false                                         -- (else #u)
         &&: project ["x", "y"] (unify "r" . L)            -- (= r (list x y))
         reporting ["r"]                                   --              ...... )
    reporting names store = [[a | a@(n,_) <- store, elem n names]]

    with bare minimum implementation, just enough to make the above code work,

    project vars kont store = 
         kont [val | var <- vars, (Just val) <- [lookup var store]] store
    unify :: String -> Val -> Store -> [Store]
    unify sym val store = 
          (Just v) = (lookup sym store)
          case (val_unify v val) of
            Just newval -> [replace_val sym newval store]  -- [updated store], if unifies
            Nothing     -> []                              -- couldn't unify - reject it
    val_unify v     Fresh             = Just v             -- barely working,
    val_unify Fresh  v                = Just v             --  initial
    val_unify (B v) (B u) | v == u    = Just (B v)         --  implementation
                          | otherwise = Nothing
    val_unify (S v) (S u) | v == u    = Just (S v)
                          | otherwise = Nothing
    val_unify  _     _                = Nothing
    replace_val s n ((a,b):c) | s == a    = (a,n) : c
                              | otherwise = (a,b) : replace_val s n c

    producing the output

    *Main> run
    [[("r", L [S "tea",B True])], [("r", L [S "cup",B True])], [("r", L [B False,B True])]]

    And if we change the second line in the translated conde expression to

           ||: unify "x" (B False)  &&:  unify "x" (B True)  -- ((= #f x) (= #t x))

    we indeed get only two results,

    *Main> run
    [[("r", L [S "tea",B True])], [("r", L [S "cup",B True])]]