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Why akka-http Unmarshaler returns Future[T] instead of T?

Since documentation is not ready I'll ask akka maintainers here.

Why akka-http Unmarshaler returns Future[T] instead of T ? Here is my goal. I want to unmarshal class from XML http response similarly how it's done for json. For example I'd like to write


where case class and its unmarshaller looks like this

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

implicit val personUnmarshaller = Unmarshaller[NodeSeq, Person] { _ => xml =>
      Future(Person((xml \\ "name").text, (xml \\ "age").text.toInt))

It's not gonna compile with ScalaXmlSupport supplied with 1.0-RC4 because Unmarshaller[ResponseEntity,Person] is not available in the scope. So to trick it I wrote two implicit conversions

implicit def xmlUnmarshallerConverter[T](marsh: Unmarshaller[NodeSeq, T])(implicit mat: Materializer): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] =
  xmlUnmarshaller(marsh, mat)

implicit def xmlUnmarshaller[T](implicit marsh: Unmarshaller[NodeSeq, T], mat: Materializer): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] =[T].value.get.get)

It works but I don't like ugly .value.get.get. Is there more elegant way to implement this ?


  • Well, I've implemented my own solution for now but I hope Akka team will make sync/async stuff consistent in the library.

    So I created simple clone of Unmarshaller which is defined as follows

    trait SyncUnmarshaller[-A, B] {
      def apply(value: A): B
    object SyncUnmarshaller {
      def apply[A, B](f: A => B): SyncUnmarshaller[A, B] =
        new SyncUnmarshaller[A, B] {
          def apply(a: A) = f(a)
    object SyncUnmarshal {
      def apply[T](value: T): SyncUnmarshal[T] = new SyncUnmarshal(value)
    class SyncUnmarshal[A](val value: A) {
      def to[B](implicit um: SyncUnmarshaller[A, B]): B = um(value)

    Therefore unmarshallers for domain classes will be defined like this

    implicit val articleBodyUnmarshaller = SyncUnmarshaller[NodeSeq, ArticleBody] { xml =>

    Then there are two implicits for ScalaXmlSupport that I already mentioned

    implicit def xmlUnmarshallerConverter[T](marshaller: SyncUnmarshaller[NodeSeq, T])(implicit mat: Materializer): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] =
      xmlUnmarshaller(marshaller, mat)
    implicit def xmlUnmarshaller[T](implicit marshaller: SyncUnmarshaller[NodeSeq, T], mat: Materializer): FromEntityUnmarshaller[T] = {

    That's it. And finally in case you want to use Akka's calls like


    You'd need converter from my SyncUnmarshaller to akka's Unmarshaller

    implicit def syncToAsyncConverter[A, B](marshaller: SyncUnmarshaller[A, B]): Unmarshaller[A, B] =
      new Unmarshaller[A, B] {
        def apply(a: A)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) =
          try FastFuture.successful(marshaller(a))
          catch { case NonFatal(e) ⇒ FastFuture.failed(e) }