I have a while
loop which for each iteration acquires a new data set. In the following example this is simulated using a random number generator. My while
loop is broken by pressing the enter key. This is achieved by the heardEnter()
function I found here. This works perfectly.
However, what I also would like to be able to do is save my data by pressing a key in the case that I do not want to exit the loop. The key that I have in mind is either the "s"-key or the spacebar. I have tried to use raw_input()
for this. However, the required "Enter" to finalize the raw input
makes the combination with the heardEnter
function troublesome.
A minimal working example:
import sys
import numpy
import select
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def heardEnter():
i, o, e = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.0001)
for s in i:
if s == sys.stdin:
input = sys.stdin.readline()
return True
return False
x = numpy.linspace(0, 8*numpy.pi, 1000)
y = numpy.cos(x)
plt.plot(x, y)
cont = True
while cont:
noise = numpy.random.normal(0, 1, len(y))
y_new = y + noise
plt.plot(x, y_new)
if heardEnter():
cont = False
You should modify your heardEnter
function to work with more than just Enter
SAVE = 'save'
ENTER = 'enter'
def heardEnter():
i, o, e = select.select([sys.stdin], [], [], 0.0001)
for s in i:
if s == sys.stdin:
input = sys.stdin.readline()
if 's' in input:
return SAVE
return ENTER
return None
Then in your while loop:
result = heard_enter()
if result == ENTER:
cont = False
elif result == SAVE:
# do save
Since heardEnter
needs to communicate more info, we can't have it return a simple boolean anymore, and work with constants as a return value instead. This will allow you to work with additional keys in the future as well.