I am an advanced programmer who recently started using and learning python. I recently ran into this question. The answers in that question suggests that instead of using a static method inside a class, it is considered better design to just use a method and not use a class at all.
Code design 1:
width = 300
height = 300
# other variables, and functions following...
width = 1920
height = 1080
# other variables and functions following...
Code design 2:
class GameResolution:
width = 300
height = 300
# static functions following
class ScreenResolution:
width = 1920
height = 1080
# static functions following
As you can probably see, Code design 2 makes a lot more sense (in my opinion) in this situation. I could pack anything related to that entity (GameResolution or ScreenResolution for example) inside a class and all those classes inside a resolution.py file.
If I followed the Code design 1 I would end up with many tiny .py files, that would each represent a very small class. Correct ?
So, is it actually true that static methods are a bad approach for python ? In this situation, what would you do ?
The best solution depends on your style a bit. That being said, I don't think making classes that as a single use static are the way to go. I would do one of the following:
and height
to game_width
, game_height
, screen_width
and screen_height
.As for when I use static methods, about the only time is for creating objects in a way different then the initializer for some reason. The need to do such is fairly rare though. It definitely sounds like your use case is better suited to either one class to represent everything, or if they're different enough then globals and functions instead of classes and static methods.