I am using Iron Router inside a package, and it complains that it cannot find a template, even though I have defined it.
I have defined a template called layout
inside my package: client/templates/shared/layout.html
And I have required that file in package.js
like this:
Package.onUse(function(api) {
], ['client', 'server']);
], 'client');
And I am using layout
template in my route definition file, both/routes.js
layoutTemplate: 'layout'
Router.route('/', {
name: 'home',
template: 'home'
And in my main app, I am using this package. It can be found at .meteor/packages
But when I navigate to /
, I get
Couldn't find a template named "layout" or "layout". Are you sure you defined it?
I tried to restart the server without success. What am I missing?
You might also need the following two:
api.use(['templating'], 'client'); // The templating package
api.export('layout' ['client', 'server']); // Export your template.