Search code examples

Is there any way to use an "or" operator in Google Directory API users.list query?

I want to build a search query for Google domain users using users.list Google Directory API. I tried to build a query according docs, which will select all users with givenName or familyName starts e.g. on letter "m".
I wrote the query: givenName:m* or familyName:m*, but it doesn't work.
Only givenName:m* familyName:m* works but it inserts "and" operator between clauses.
In docs stays:

Multiple clauses are separated by whitespace and are implicitly joined by an "and" operator.

Can I only write a query with the implicit "and" operator? Is there any way how to write it using "or"?


  • After some time experimenting with the API I have found out that I really don't need {{PREFIX}}* or some operators to accomplish my goal.

    If you want to search all the users whose given or family name starts e.g. on letter "m", just put a single m (without field name e.g. "givenName:") into the query parameter. It seems that API implicitly searches in all domain users' givenName and familyName fields. It also searches in a substring (before "@") of all email fields (e.g.

    If you put word "example" in the query, it'll gives you all users with email field

    It is possible that if you put only some string without any specified fields, the API may also searches in any other field, but I didn't find in which.

    I don't know if this is a bug or a feature, but I know it partially gives an answer to my question.