I have been researching this for a few days and have yet to find a working solution. There is lots of information available but because of my inexperience with Android I can't get any of the suggestions to work.
I have an Activity with a stack of 3 Fragments on top of it all of which are presented using FragmentManager Transactions and added to the backstack. While the third Fragment is active, I need to intercept the onBackPressed() method and perform some extra stuff before the Fragment is destroyed.
I have tried using Callbacks and Interfaces to capture onBackPressed() at the Activity and send it to the 3rd Fragment with no luck.
What is the proper way to have a Fragment deep in the stack watch for the Activity's onBackPressed() method.
Let me know if this is not clear.
Thanks for the help.
This is the post that answered my question. For a Android newbie, this told me where everything needed to go.
The Fragment that needed to see the onBackPress() method from it's activity:
public class RatingFragment extends Fragment implements ContentActivity.OnBackPressedListener {
public void doBack() {
The very important subscription to the listener in the above Fragment:
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_rating, container, false);
The Activity that needs to send the onBackPress() method to the above Fragment:
public class ContentActivity extends Activity {
protected OnBackPressedListener onBackPressedListener;
public interface OnBackPressedListener {
void doBack();
public void setOnBackPressedListener(OnBackPressedListener onBackPressedListener) {
this.onBackPressedListener = onBackPressedListener;
public void onBackPressed() {
if (onBackPressedListener != null)
protected void onDestroy() {
onBackPressedListener = null;