I am working with code something like the below. An array of BasketItemViewModel
is created in the scope of the Basket
class by looping DB results and creating a view model from each row.
When I ditch the Basket
class, and Set it to nothing, am I required to loop through the array of BasketItemViewModel
and set each of those to nothing too?
Class Basket
public GuidId
public BasketItemViewModels
public TotalItems
public TotalCost
Public Property Get TotalCostFormatted()
TotalCostFormatted = FormatCurrency(TotalCost,0)
End Property
public Default function Init(p_GuidId, p_TotalItems, p_TotalCost)
GuidId = p_GuidId
BasketItemViewModels = GetBasketItemViewModels()
TotalItems = p_TotalItems
TotalCost = p_TotalCost
set Init = Me
end function
public function GetBasketItemViewModels()
dim vmArray()
for each row in dbResults
// ...get some values...
set vmArray(i) = (new BasketItemViewModel) (price, quantity, productId)
GetBasketItemViewModels = vmArray
end function
End Class
Nope. It's not necessary. When your Basket
object is destroyed, the BasketItemViewModels
array goes with it. And when it goes, all of the references held by that array are released.
Consider the following example:
Dim b
Set b = New Basket
Set b = Nothing
WScript.Echo "After"
Class Basket
Public Eggs
Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim a(1)
Set a(0) = New Egg
Set a(1) = New Egg
Eggs = a
End Sub
End Class
Class Egg
Sub Class_Terminate()
WScript.Echo "Egg cracked."
End Sub
End Class
The output produced by this code is:
Egg cracked. Egg cracked. After
proving that the Eggs
array is emptied, and its references released, when the Basket
object is destroyed.