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IBatis dynamic query help

I have a table called "users" with following columns userid,name,gender,department,managerid....

I wanted to do this query but was having 2 issues
1. <> in line 4 is is causing problem, which is due to to the XML. I need to use but was not able to get things going even after some permutations.
2. the check department = 'engineering' needs to be done only if the map passed contains department. so this needs to be dynamic.

Can some one scribble as to how I could get this done in Ibatis. thanks for your help !!!

select * from users
where userid=#userid# 
and gender = 'm'
and (managerid ISNULL OR managerid <> #mgrid#)
and department = 'engineering'

I tried this but did not work ....any help??

<select id="getEmployees" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap" resultMap="empResultMap">
select * from users
where userid=#userid#
and gender = 'm'
and (managerid ISNULL OR managerid <> #mgrid#)
    <isNotEmpty property="mgrid">
        ( AND department = #mgrid# )


  • Thanks Cory for the quick reply. Your suggestion did work great.
    Adding further to the same question, if I want to have multiple AND/OR in the dynamic tag, what should be the format?
    I tried this but it did not work (especially when mgrid = "")

    Once again thanks for the response.

    <select id="getEmployees" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap" resultMap="empResultMap">
        select * from users
        where userid=#userid#
        and gender = 'm'
        and (managerid IS NULL OR managerid <> #mgrid#)
        <dynamic prepend="AND">
            <isNotEmpty property="mgrid">
                (department = #mgrid#)
            <isNotEmpty property="uName" prepend="AND">
                (username = #uName#)