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How do you calculate a trader's P&L given their trade history?

Given a series of trades


How do you programmatically calculate this trader's performance over time in % terms? Are there libraries that can do this for you?

The idea is to use this data to create a % P&L chart over time to get an idea of this trader's performance and be able to compare it to other traders.


  • variables used:
      - pos_base = 0      // base price of the position, at any given time
      - pos_amount = 0    // position amount (negative for shorts), at any given time
      - pl = 0            // total P/L, at any given time, fees already removed
      - tot_fees = 0      // total fees paid
      - volume = 0        // total volume exchanged
    RECORD_EXECUTION(side, amount, price, fee_rate)
      // normalize amount
      n_amount = amount * (side == buy ? 1.0 : -1.0)
      // remember base price and amount before changing them
      prev_base = pos_base
      prev_amount = pos_amount
      // update 'virtual' position
      pos_amount += n_amount
      pos_base = pos_amount == 0.0 ? 0.0 : (prev_amount * prev_base + n_amount * price) / pos_amount
      if ((prev_amount < 0.0 && pos_amount > 0.0) || (prev_amount > 0.0 && pos_amount < 0.0)) pos_base = price
      // calculate fees paid
      fees_paid = amount * price * fee_rate
      tot_fees += fees_paid
      // update P/L
      if (prev_amount < 0.0 && pos_amount >= 0.0) pl += (prev_base - price) * -prev_amount // short closed
      if (prev_amount > 0.0 && pos_amount <= 0.0) pl += (price - prev_base) *  prev_amount // long closed
      pl -= fees_paid
      // keep track of total volume
      volume += amount