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Getting data from fulfilled Q promise object in node REPL

Consider this simple Q promise object:

nesh> var p = functionThatReturnsPromise();

The REPL is kind enough to output the promise's state and value if I go:

nesh> p
{ state: 'fulfilled',
     // (data properties)

Suppose I indeed waited for the promise to fulfill, I can't get the value nor the state directly by p.value or p.state.

I can do something like:

nesh> var data
nesh> p.then(function(_data) { data = _data })

yet it feels clumsy and uncomfortable for fluent REPL workflow.

Any ideas?


  • var p = functionThatReturnsPromise();

    Promises do have the state and value defined, but for accessing that you need to use the valueOf() function over this.

    p.valueOf() ==> promise value
    p.inspect() ==> { state: 'fulfilled', value: 'data' }