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PIC 32 TTL communication

I've been given a PIC32mx795f512L in order to build a spy for I2C, I will connect 3 wires on SDA, SCL and GND and then I have to detect the sent data. This part is ok. Now, once I have the data, I have to send it via RX, TX to a computer (in fact, I send it to an adapter which convert it to RS232) and here is my problem.

I do not really know how to initialise this communication. For now I put:

TRISFbits.TRISF8=0;        // RF8 output==>TX1
TRISFbits.TRISF2=1;        // RF1 input==>RX1
U1STA = 0x1400; // Enable Tx(inv) and Rx
U1BRG = 8332; // value = (80000000 / BAUD) - 1 = 9600
U1MODE = 0x8008; // Enable UART with 1 stop bit, no parity and BRGH

By checking the data sheet but I actually don't know if everything needed is set up. And nonetheless, I don't get how to send data via TX. I've found this topic where it says:

To make some char output (a - into this example) on the UART simply write this code:

   putsUART1("-\r\n"); "

But I can't find where "a" is used.

So please, If someone feels able to help me, feel free to do it.


  • Basically following things are important while setting up UART communication

    • UART Baud rate
    • UART pin initialization (TRIS bits in PIC)
    • How many Data bits (7 or 8)
    • How many Stop bits (1 or 1.5 or 2)
    • Parity (No or Odd or Even)

    I can see all these things initialized in your code, which are all necessary. So this is answer to your first question.

    For your second question, UART busy bit is checked and minus sign '-' followed by CRLF is sent over the UART Tx