I have a UpgradeView
with the same possibility for saving like in the django admin. I can save, save and continue editing or save and create a new object.
Each leading to a different view:
, UpdateView
and the CreateView
After saving I want to give a message out, on every view or template its leading to. For example "Successfully saved" or "Object could not be saved."
When writing custom template tags it's getting really hard for me, because after I created the tag, I don't know how, where and when to pass the message to the other views.
This is the UpdateView
where i come from.
class TopicEditView(UpdateView):
fields = ['title','description',]
model = Topic
def get_success_url(self):
if self.request.POST.get('save'):
return reverse('topic_detail', kwargs={'pk':self.object.pk})
elif self.request.POST.get('save_and_continue'):
return reverse('topic_edit', kwargs={'pk':self.object.pk})
elif self.request.POST.get('save_and_create_new'):
return reverse('topic_create')
return reverse('fallback_success_url')
My custom template tag is still empty, because the only examples i saw are pretty hard to understand for me.
@register.inclusion_tag('msg.html', takes_context=True)
def get_msg(context):
return None
Inside 'msg.html'
i only have the string saying "Successfully saved", this did lead to nothing and i forgot why i did that.
And this is in my template (nothing):
{% load msg_handler %}
{% get_msg %}
How and where can I pass the message to these views using the session?
Try the Django messages framework instead: