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How change button logic on Flask Admin?

I want to change logic of button on Flask-Admin. Exactly: Save button. Save button should send request on other URL and then save response on Data Base. Can i do this? How?


  • If you create a class that extends flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla.ModelView, you can override the on_model_change method.


    For example, something like this:

    from flask.ext.admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView
    from my_app import app, db
    from models import MyModel
    class MyModelView(ModelView):
        def on_model_change(self, form, model, is_created):
            # Custom code to call URL
            # Custom code to save to DB
    admin = Admin(app)
    admin.add_view(MyModelViewView(MyModel, db.session))

    You might also find your question has been answered here: Customize (override) Flask-Admin's Submit method from edit view