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Laravel 5 on php artisan config:clear generated Closure::__set_state() error

My code in on production and I ran

php artisan config:clear

After that, my code was not running. The index pages and all other pages went white screen and gave 500 internal server error in firebug. When I tried to run

php artisan

it gave me error as

PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined method Closure::__set_state() in /var/www/live/vendor/config.php on line 56

My code is in production!! /vendor/config.php file was not present before, what happened with that code?? Have you faced any such error? I had given all permissions to storage/ folder and vendor/. Any help/guide would be much appreciated.


  • I had faced the similar issue in past don't know what caused it but as of now you can delete the config.php from /vendor it won't break your code.

    And your code will be start working..