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How to set the bookmarking (cmi.location) for SCORM 1.2?

I tried to bookmarking for flash SCORM 1.2 packages. I'm properly capturing the last visited data(cmi.loation, suspend data), but when I'm trying to reset the data for next launch, SCO is not relocating, it is starting from beginning.

And I set the hard coded values in LMSInitilization() function in javascript.

I used bellow code for setting the location variable to SCO.

// cmi data model storing object

var cmiobj = new Object();

function LMSInitialize(dummyString) {

        // already initialized or already finished
        if ((flagInitialized) || (flagFinished)) { return "false"; }

        // set initialization flag
        flagInitialized = true;

        this.cmiobj['cmi.suspend_data']='FA1Enon ... "; 

        // return success value
        return "true";


Hope you help.


  • You need to set cmi.core.exit to "suspend" too - otherwise it will not supply any of the old data for you to continue with next time.