Solved, thanks. It's base64 and this works.
Thanks again.
I got a TSV file, and inside this file there're audio stored as original string and related wave info. One wave and its info per line. What I need to do is to read each line, get the audio, and save them as separated wave files. One sample of wave string is like this:
And I tried to read this line and use:
byte[] waveContext = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(columns[6]);
File.WriteAllBytes(waveFullPath, waveContext);
But the output file contains just the same string. Does anybody got ideas on how to handle this?
Many thanks.
Looks like a base 64 encoded string.
byte[] waveBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64EncodedData);
Don't know how to build up a wave file. This may help you: MSDN: Creating wav files in C#. (10secs lookup with Google.)