I'm using the parallel_multicore version of the DBSCAN clustering algorithm available below:
To run the code simply requires the following line:
./omp_dbscan -i trial.txt -m 4 -e 0.5 -o output.txt -t 8
where -i is the input, -m and -e are two parameters, -o is the output and -t is the number of threads.
What I want to do is adapt this command so that I can process lots of input files (say trial_1.txt, trial_2.txt, trial_3.txt and so on) sequentially, but I'm not really sure how to do this in this language? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm thoroughly lost!
Any unix server will have a shell installed.
Unix shells have been used for automating simple processes since the beginning of Unix. They are the scripting language at the very heart of any Unix system.
Their syntax is very easy to learn, and it will allow you to easily automate such tasks. So get an tutorial to shell scripting!