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Laravel Lumen change log file name

Lumen logs are written to /storage/logs and by default given the name lumen.log. How do I change the file name to say xyz.log?


  • As mentioned in comments the location and the name of the log file is hardcoded.

    Now if for some compelling reason you want to change it you can always extend Laravel\Lumen\Application class and override getMonologHandler() method.

    Create a new file Application.php in app folder that looks like

    namespace App;
    use Laravel\Lumen\Application as LumenApplication;
    use Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter;
    use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
    use Monolog\Logger;
    class Application extends LumenApplication
        protected function getMonologHandler()
            return (new StreamHandler(storage_path(env('APP_LOG_PATH', 'logs/xyz.log')), Logger::DEBUG))
                ->setFormatter(new LineFormatter(null, null, true, true));

    Now change

    $app = new Laravel\Lumen\Application(


    $app = new App\Application(

    in bootstrap\app.php file

    Voila your log file now is called xyz.log. More over you can change it to whatever you want by defining the environment variable APP_LOG_PATH i.e. via .env file
