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How to check if date equals date of datetime property only using query parameters

I have a DateTime property.

I want to check if a date is equal to the date in my property and it has to be done purely in the url query parameters available in OData v4.

This doesn't work :(

GET ~/odata/foo$filter=date(myProperty) eq date(1980-01-01)

Yes I can use greater then or equal but that's is already working as intended. It's equal and not equal that's the problem.


  • From ABNF rules, Date value is a value with format:

    dateValue = year "-" month "-" day

    So, I think you shouldn't add date prefix. That's:

    GET ~/odata/foo$filter=date(myProperty) eq 1980-01-01

    Here's some test cases provided by ODataTeam:


    Besides, there's a simple tutorial you can refer to:

    Thanks. Hope it can help.