I'm using fnr.exe (https://findandreplace.codeplex.com).
I have it in a bat file. The file I'm working on is in the same folder as the bat file. I've tried the following:
fnr.exe --cl --find "text1" --replace "text2" --dir "\" --fileMask "app.config"
but get this error:
--fileMask required option is missing
Any one know what I'm doing wrong?
Without knowing the program I can't be sure, but the standard rules to process command line arguments will see your command line as
| Here is the problem
fnr.exe --cl --find "text1" --replace "text2" --dir "\" --fileMask "app.config"
(.....) (..) (....) (.....) (.......) (.....) (...) (.........................)
A single backslash followed by a quote is a escaped quote that is included in the argument.
Try with
fnr.exe --cl --find "text1" --replace "text2" --dir "\." --fileMask "app.config"