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Add your Stage in a ScrollWindow ActionScript 3.0

I'm gonna try explaining my situation with images, to make sure that everyone will understand what i want to succeed.

First of all i have 3 files:

GenImage.fla which is linked to class and it only contains the following picture (I tried to make the image Movie Clip but again it's not working):


and a file named which contains the class ScrollUI.

What i want to succeed is from my GeneralImage class to create a ScrollUi item, pass the stage, and there create a ScrollPane which makes the picture look like this:


The center part of the second image is the ScrollPane Component, which i need to make it Scrollable through the whole image. I managed to get it in my screen but i can't put the Stage in it and make it scrollable.

These are my codes :

package  {

    import flash.display.*;
    import flash.display.Stage;
    import ScrollUI;

    public class GeneralImage extends MovieClip

        public function GeneralImage()
            var k = new ScrollUI();





    import flash.display.*;
    import fl.containers.ScrollPane; 
    import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy; 

    public class ScrollUI extends MovieClip
        private var _mainStage:Stage;
        var aBox:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); 
        var aSp:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();

        public function ScrollUI()

        function ScrollConstructor(stage:Object):void
            _mainStage = (stage as MovieClip).stage;
            aBox == stage as MovieClip;
            aSp.source == aBox ;
            aSp.move(150, 75); 
            aSp.scrollDrag = true;



So what i want it to set the Source of the Scroll Pane ( which is named aSp ) to be the _mainStage which is the stage i get from GeneralImage


  • Your issues is likely these two lines:

     aBox == stage as MovieClip;
     aSp.source == aBox ;

    You're doing a comparison by using two ==, which effectively does nothing in your case. Use a single = to assign a value.

    This is how I would suggest you approach this:

    In the FlashPro library, find your image asset (I'm going to assume you have it wrapped in a MovieClip), right-click (or command click) and go to it's properties. Check the "export for actionscript" box, and give it a meaningful class name (for my example, I'll assume you called it MyImage)

    Then you could do the following:

    ScrollUI Class

        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import fl.containers.ScrollPane; 
        import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy; 
        public class ScrollUI extends Sprite
            //just declare the variables here, don't assign them new values
            private var aBox:MovieClip; 
            private var aSp:ScrollPane;
            public function ScrollUI()
                //use the actual constructor...
                aSp = new ScrollPane(); //instantiate a new scroll pane
                addChild(aSp); //add the scroll pane to the display
                aBox = new MyImage(); //instantiate an new MyImage from the library
                //set the scroll pane properties
                aSp.source = aBox; //you had two = signs here before, which doesn't actually assign anything it compares
                aSp.move(150, 75); 
                aSp.scrollDrag = true;

    Document Class

    package  {
        import ScrollUI;
        public class GeneralImage extends MovieClip
            public function GeneralImage()
                var k:ScrollUI = new ScrollUI(); //create a new instance of the ScrollUI class
                addChild(k); //add the scrollUI object to the display;
                //OR, you just do this:
                //addChild(new ScrollUI());

    You could also just set the .source property of the scroll pane to the physical path of your image.