I am trying to get JMX monitoring working to monitor a test kafka instance.
I have kafka (ches/kafka) running in docker via boot2docker but I can not get JMX monitoring configured properly. I have done a bunch of troubleshooting and I know the kafka instance is running properly (consumers and producers work). The issue arises when I try simple JMX tools (jconsole and jvisualvm) and both can not connect (insecure connection error, connection failed).
Configuration items of note: I connect to (virtualbox ip found when running 'boot2docker ip') and the ches/kafka docker/kafka instance uses the port 7203 as the JMX_PORT (confirmed in the kafka startup logs). Using jconsole, I connect to and that is when the errors occur.
Any help is appreciated.
For completeness, here is the solution that works:
I ran ches/kafka docker image as follows -- note that the JMX_PORT (7203) is now published appropriately:
$ docker run --hostname localhost --name kafka --publish 9092:9092 --publish 7203:7203 --env EXPOSED_HOST= --env ZOOKEEPER_IP= ches/kafka
Also, the following environment is set in the kafka-run-class.sh (.bat for windows)
But I needed to add one additional item (thanks to one of the commenters for pointing this out):
Now, to run the ches/docker image in boot2docker you just need to set one of the recognized environment variables (KAFKA_JMX_OPTS or KAKFA_OPTS) to add the additional item and it now works.
Thanks for the help!