I am working in mainframe and I need to wait a dataset is released to execute automatically a JOB. Do you know any simple way to loop until a dataset is not in use in JCL? I was looking on the web and i found some solutions with REXX but they seemed too complicated to do such simple thing as I need. Also I have never used REXX.
P.D. Also, the data set could not exist.
Edit: I need this becouse I run a XCOM Job which transfer a file of another system to a mainframe dataset. The problem is when this JOB finish, maybe the file is still beign transfered, and would like to wait to transfer be completed before to start the next JOB. Maybe editing the sentence of the next JOB associated to the dataset.
The easy way to do this is to ensure that your file transfer package allocates the dataset with an OLD disposition, that will create a system level enqueue on the dataset and prevent your job from running until the enqueue is released.
Many file transfer packages offer some sort of 'file complete' exit that can also trigger a job once a dataset transmission is fully complete.
But you can't loop in JCL. You can in REXX, but it has a host of issues that you have to deal with, not at all simple.