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How to retrieve the data from stripe responses using php

Here is my php code for stripe transaction for taking the application fee from customer using my platform:

$token = $_POST['stripeToken'];

// Create the charge on Stripe's servers - this will charge the user's card
$charge = \Stripe\Charge::create(
    "amount" => 1000, // amount in cents
    "currency" => "usd",
    "source" => $token,
    "description" => "Event charge",
    "application_fee" => 123 // amount in cents
  array("stripe_account" => $sInfo->stripe_user_id)
echo '<pre>';

and here is my response (partial)

Stripe\Charge Object
[_opts:protected] => Stripe\Util\RequestOptions Object
        [headers] => Array
                [Stripe-Account] => acct_16JkaUHzfYmjyH68

        [apiKey] => sk_test_mHnhDuaVjnKmdkEApnYAKfGY

[_values:protected] => Array
        [id] => ch_16K6q5HzfYmjyH786HG5a2gp
        [object] => charge
        [created] => 1435840249
        [livemode] => 
        [paid] => 1
        [status] => succeeded
        [amount] => 1000
        [currency] => usd
        [refunded] => 
        [source] => Stripe\Card Object

i am having difficulty for how i can catch the the value "id => ch_16K6q5HzfYmjyH786HG5a2gp" from _values:protected array

i have tried the following syntaxes

$charge->_values:protected and $charge['_values:protected']

but not able to grab the response, can any one here to help to catch the response in stripe connect transactions using php


  • try this instead of dumping the entire object

    print $charge->id;