I have a networkStateReceiver, that checks if I have internet or not. If I do, I reinitiate instabug, if not, I want to deactivate. How can I do that? I tried just setting it as null, but it doesn't work.
if(haveConnectedMobile || haveConnectedWifi){
//TODO will need to make a queue, and go through all that queue
PSLocationCenter.getInstance().instabug = null;
This is my init:
public void initInstabug() {
String[] feedbackArray = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.feedback);
String randomStr = feedbackArray[new Random().nextInt(feedbackArray.length)];
Instabug.DEBUG = true;
instabug = Instabug.initialize(this)
.setShowIntroDialog(true, PSTimelineActivity.class)
.enableEmailField(true, false)
.setPostBugReportMessage(randomStr) //TODO will be the post report message, random from array
.setCommentFieldHint("Please describe what went wrong")
.setPreSendingRunnable(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String[] files = new String[2];
files[0] = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Passenger/passenger_log.txt";
files[1] = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Passenger/passenger_log2.txt";
Compress compress = new Compress(files, Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Passenger/log.zip");
compress.zip(new CrudStateCallback() {
public void onResponse(String string) {
Log.i("", "ended making the archive");
.attachFileAtLocation(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/Passenger/log.zip");
You can use this code to disable Instabug automatic invocation:
This way it won't be invoked automatically. This will only affect the next Activity though (not the current one). You may force to stop and restart all listeners by calling onPause
and onResume
on the current Activity. (We may address that soon though, so that such changes are applied on the currently running Activity).
Don't forget to also enable the shake invocation event when internet access is restored.
Please keep in mind that Instabug SDK already caches all reports and will re-attempt to send them on next app launch until they're uploaded successfully.