I'm using MS Band SDK version 1.3.10518, when I try to init the band client from Background Task I got:
BACKGROUNDTASKHOST.EXE' has exited with code 1
The crash happens after the following line of code:
Dim bands = Await Microsoft.Band.BandClientManager.Instance.GetBandsAsync()
I'm able to connect to the band from the main application on windows phone 8.1 developer preview.
Band Build Version: 10.3.3213.0 09 R
I found the solution related to Await in the Sub Run, the solution consists of using : taskInstance.GetDeferral
Public Async Sub Run(taskInstance As Background.IBackgroundTaskInstance) Implements Background.IBackgroundTask.Run
Dim deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral
Dim bands = Await Microsoft.Band.BandClientManager.Instance.GetBandsAsync
'Other work ...
End Using
End Sub
In addition you need to get user consent from the main application as follow:
Thanks for: HttpClient GetAsync fails in background task on Windows 8