I am using sencha sdk tool 2 to build my extjs 4 application. Build is working fine and it generated two files -
But when I am using minified app-all.js with ext.js in my index-mini.html page it is not working and giving me the error "Cannot read property 'get' of undefined" at Ext.util.Cookies.get()
My application is working fine when I am using ext-all.js instead of ext.js.
I saw that my application is using some util classes(like - Ext.util.Cookies) that are not present in ext.js. Also for development we are using ext-all.js in our index.html but for deployment we want to use ext.js.
Questions - How can I run my application using ext.js & app-all.js?
- Thanks in advance.
The problem is that ext-all.js (and the un-minified ext-debug.js) only provide the minimum number of core ExtJS classes needed to get up and running. Any additional classes should be dynamically loaded as separate files
Section 2.2 of Getting Started describes this, and also explains that you should dynamically load any additional classes.
Basically, you need to include a requires statement in your application as shown below.