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How to deploy multiple versions of the same web service on websphere

I want to support two versions of a web service on WebSphere 7. Although both web services work fine separately, only one is listening when both are present.

I package the following two classes and web.xml in the same war-file (inside an ear-file).

package mywebservice._2015._01;

@WebService(name = "MyWebService", targetNamespace = "", portName = "MyWebServicePort", serviceName = "MyWebService")
public class MyWebServiceV1Impl implements MyWebService {
    // implementation of webmethods

package mywebservice._2015._02;

@WebService(name = "MyWebService", targetNamespace = "", portName = "MyWebServicePort", serviceName = "MyWebService")
public class MyWebServiceV2Impl implements MyWebService {
      // implementation of webmethods


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.5">


The web services are designed top down: starting from a wsdl. I'm thinking it has to do with the name of the web service but I can't figure out what to change so both services are listening when deployed without changing the name of the webservice in the wsdl.

I have also tried specifying the endpointInterface in the WebService-annotation but that didn't help either.

What am I missing?


  • You need to provide different serviceName. Try to change your second service annotation to: serviceName = "MyWebServiceV2". Remove these servlet and servlet-mapping entries from web.xml. Access your service via URLs: http://hostname/appName/serviceName.

    For your different servlet mappings to work services must at least differ in the portName, Check if you can have in the portName = "MyWebServicePort2" in the second implementation.

    The other solution is just to create 2 wars in one EAR.