I subclassed DataGridTextColumn
to implement an editable DataGridColumn
for numeric values. Because the logic inside got somewhat complex, I'd like to unit test the implementation with NUnit. However, I can't figure out how to fill a single cell of it with test data and trigger its validation logic. Any help would be much appreciated.
This is the complete implementation:
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace Presentation
public class DataGridNumericColumn : DataGridTextColumn
private static readonly Regex NonnumericChars = new Regex(@"\D");
private static readonly Regex NonnumericCharsExceptFirstMinus =
new Regex(@"(?<!^[^-]*)-|[^\d-]");
public bool AllowNegativeValues { private get; set; }
protected override object PrepareCellForEdit(
FrameworkElement editingElement, RoutedEventArgs editingEventArgs)
var textBox = (TextBox) editingElement;
textBox.PreviewTextInput += this.OnPreviewTextInput;
textBox.PreviewLostKeyboardFocus += this.OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus;
DataObject.AddPastingHandler(textBox, this.OnPaste);
return base.PrepareCellForEdit(editingElement, editingEventArgs);
private void OnPreviewTextInput(object sender, TextCompositionEventArgs e)
if (this.AllowNegativeValues && e.Text == "-")
if (!this.IsNumeric(e.Text))
e.Handled = true;
private void OnPreviewLostKeyboardFocus(
object sender, KeyboardFocusChangedEventArgs e)
var textBox = (TextBox) sender;
textBox.Text = this.ExtractNumericParts(textBox.Text);
private void OnPaste(object sender, DataObjectPastingEventArgs e)
if(!e.SourceDataObject.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text, true))
var textBox = (TextBox)sender;
var preSelection = textBox.Text.Substring(0, textBox.SelectionStart);
var postSelection = textBox.Text.Substring(textBox.SelectionStart
+ textBox.SelectionLength);
var pastedText = (string)e.SourceDataObject.GetData(DataFormats.Text);
if (!this.IsNumeric(preSelection + pastedText + postSelection))
private bool IsNumeric(string text)
int number;
var isInt32 = Int32.TryParse(text, out number);
if (!this.AllowNegativeValues)
return isInt32 && number >= 0;
return isInt32;
private string ExtractNumericParts(string text)
if (this.IsNumeric(text))
return text;
text = this.RemoveIllegalChars(text);
return this.TrimDigitsToInt32Range(text);
private string RemoveIllegalChars(string text)
var illegalChars = this.AllowNegativeValues
? NonnumericCharsExceptFirstMinus
: NonnumericChars;
return illegalChars.Replace(text, string.Empty);
private string TrimDigitsToInt32Range(string numericText)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(numericText))
return "0";
return this.IsNumeric(numericText)
? numericText
: this.TrimDigitsToInt32Range(
numericText.Remove(numericText.Length - 1));
Realized that what I was trying to do is a stupid thing. The solution is to extract the behavior into a testable class.