I'm trying to call a function inside one array but using the matches.
I have a string with text ($text) and 2 arrays.
The array A have rules for find content:
$a=array('rule1', 'rule2', rule3');
The array b have:
$b=array("Rule 1 return the matches: $1 $2 $3", "Rule 2: $1 $2 $3", "Rule 3 $1 $2 $3");
And with a foreach loop, the arrays make the work:
foreach($a AS $key => $val){
while(preg_match($val, $text)){
$text = preg_replace($val, $b[$key], $text);
Exist a method? for do with the array b:
$b=array("Rule 1 return the matches:".calltofunction("$1$2$3")."", ...
I tried use \1 and $1 for the matches, but when i call to the function every time the function receives the string "$1$2$3" or "\1\2\3" but not the matched values.
This seems not possible, the array A that save the rules, yes can be used for save the rules. But for the B is needed make the custom function per each one.
function Myfunction($text) {
return preg_replace_callback($a[the num id],
function($match) {
return "This return this matches: $match[1] $match[2] $match[3]";
, $text);