I am looking for following things.
How to checkout code from CVS using MAVEN ANT plugin
My CVS server name:cecvs02dv which can be accessed using user name and password (and cannot be accessed over HTTP)
CVS folder: c:\cvs\dev
Module name: IRM
I can connect to CVS using below CVS command from Windows command prompt.
/>cvs -z3 -f -d :pserver:user:password@cecvs02dv:2401:c:\cvs\dev -q checkout -d checkout IRM
Using above command I am able to checkout the code from CVS server.
pom.xml:: ANT Maven plugin
<cvspass cvsroot=":pserver:user@cecvs02dv:c:/cvs/dev/" password="password"/>
<cvs cvsroot="c:/cvs/dev" quiet="false"
command="checkout" package="IRM" port="2401"
dest="D:/vinu/workspace/Maven/testirm" />
Error: [cvs] cvs [checkout aborted]: c:/cvs/dev/CVSROOT: No such file or directory
CVSROOT folder exists in c:/cvs/dev/ on CVS server.
Finally the issue is resolved.
Changed the directory from c:/cvs/dev/ to c:\cvs\dev
<cvspass cvsRoot=":pserver:username@cecvs02dv:c:\cvs\dev" password="password"/>
<cvs cvsRoot=":pserver:username@cecvs02dv:c:\cvs\dev" package="IRM"
dest="." port="2401" failonerror="true"/>